
Artist, Illustrator, Children's Writing, Non-Fiction


Writing is my passion - if I don't write, I generally don't really know who I am or where 'here' is - it's an intrinsic part of me.

As I began to write more, I discovered the link between my words and the images I have in my head. Sometimes a mental picture comes first, and I have to draw what I can 'see' before the words will come. Using this link, I built a strong portfolio of sketches that accompanied all my written pieces and realised that I was naturally illustrating my work. The children's books, which I write and illustrate myself have been the outcome of this word/image 'marriage'.

My family all have a strong love of nature and the environment. For me, it feels fundamental for people to live in, and be surrounded by nature's beauty. My art is an exploration into bringing seasonality and wildlife into my own home and my family's lives. To this end, our house has become an extended artistic project/installation. I found that when I shared my work with others, they would often want to buy pieces, so I have begun to build my portfolio of paintings to capture and share what I find enchanting. My non-fiction work is part of expressing the whole of who I am. Often centring around my outrage and frustration that the female voice and female creativity is still dismissed and derided (craft not being valued as much as art, for example).

All of my work is about a female voice being heard, being seen, and female experience being shared in the world.

My Portfolio


Please contact me using the contact form to speak to me about illustrations for books, journals, magazines etc.